Networking activities
Networking activities are dedicated to catalyse the mutual coordination and the pooling of resources among the consortium of participants, with the aim of fostering a culture of cooperation between them.
Networking activities will also aim at spreading good practice, promoting common protocols and interoperability, encouraging complementarity and developing and maintaining common information systems, and stimulating the creation of distributed or virtual facilities.
Activity Number | Title | Short description and objectives of the activity | Participants |
NA1 | Management of SEADATANET | Animation and management of the project, including the technical coordination, the networking coordination, the joint research coordination activities and the Steering Committee. | IFREMER (Leader), MARIS, HCMR, GHER |
NA2 | Organization and Monitoring of the distributed infrastructure | Technical system organization, dissemination of common software and technical documentation Implementation of the procedures for system controls (access rights, network availability, data availability, log book) and risk assessment - Help desk. | IFREMER (Leader), MARIS, NERC, BSH, SMHI, IEO, HCMR, OGS, RIHMI, IOC, ENEA, INGV, METU, CLS, AWI, IMR, NERI, CIEM, MI, IHPT, RIKZ, MUMM, VLIZ, MRI, FIMR, IMGW, MSI, LIAE, CMR, SIO-RAS, MHI, IO-BAS, NIMRD, TSU-DNA, INRH, IOF, PUT, NIB-MBS, IOI-MOC, OC-UCY, ISRAMAR, NCSR-NCMS, ISMAL, INSTM |
NA3 | Training and Capacity building | Organization of training workshops on: 1) data qualification; 2) communication standards (ISO19115/marine XML schemes). | IFREMER, MARIS, NERC, BSH, SMHI, IEO, HCMR, OGS, RIHMI, IOC (Leader), ENEA, INGV, METU, CLS, AWI, IMR, NERI, CIEM, MI, IHPT, RIKZ, MUMM, VLIZ, MRI, FIMR, IMGW, MSI, LIAE, CMR, SIO-RAS, MHI, IO-BAS, NIMRD, TSU-DNA, INRH, IOF, PUT, NIB-MBS, IOI-MOC, OC-UCY, ISRAMAR, NCSR-NCMS, ISMAL, INSTM |
NA4 | Cruises Summary Reports Directory (CSR) | Maintenance and standardization of the national inventories of oceanographic cruises, moorings & experiments standardized summary reports - Interconnection including the satellites missions inventories in a common pan-european directory (meta-database) | all TA partners, BSH (Leader) |
NA5 | Data Sets Directories EDMED, EDIOS | Maintenance, standardization and interconnection of the national inventories of :1) data sets collected by the research laboratories (European Directory of Marine Environmental Datasets EDMED) 2) data sets collected by continuous Ocean-Observing System (EDIOS). | all TA partners, NERC (Leader) |
NA6 | Common Data Index (CDI) | Maintenance, standardization and interconnection of the Common Data Index (CDI) of the data archived in the SEADATANET data centres.Production of standardized data sets for inter-comparison and product preparation. | all TA partners, MARIS (Leader) |
NA7 | Projects inventory (EDMERP) | Maintenance, standardization and interconnection of the Marine Environmental Research Projects (EDMERP) inventory. | all TA partners, MARIS (Leader) |
NA8 | Communication, Users Marketing and feedback | Preparation and dissemination of promotional documentation - data users and producers marketing - getting feedback.Organization of two international conferences on Ocean Data. | all partners, ENEA (Leader) |