Catalogues follow-up
January 2025
Statistics on all catalogues
In January 2025, global increases on catalogues :
- EDMO (Marine organisations) : +9 - Total : 5 056
- EDMED (Data sets) : +4 - Total : 4 372
- EDMERP (Projects) : +3 - Total : 3 555
- Programmes : - Total : 373
- Series : - Total : 17 040
- CSR (Cruises) : +112 - Total : 68 957
- CDI (Data). : +35 266 - Total : 3 076 539
Global counts on all catalogues per month (table and graph) :
Statistics on CDI catalogue
Global increase for CDI number :
- 10 SeaDataNet AISBL members (as distributor) have worked on data in the CDI catalogue, for a total increase of +32 473 records.
- 5 others partners, not in the SeaDataNet AISBL, have worked for a increase of +2 792 records.
- 29 SeaDataNet AISBL members and
- 88 other partners .
There are 3 Million of records in the CDI catalogue.
Statistics by distributors :
Statistics by custodians :
Statistics for restricted data by access type :
Since January 2020, the number of CDIs with restricted access decrease from 291 820 CDIs to 267,210 CDIs .
91,26 % of CDIs are unrestricted .
Since June 2021, all access restrictions moved to only 2 differents access codes :
1) 'unrestricted', 'SeaDataNet licence', 'organisation', 'licence', 'organisation' => 'Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International'
2) 'by negotiation', 'no access', 'moratorium' => 'by negotiation'
Statistics on CSR back office
This are the statistics from the new CSR back office allowing all partners to upload their CSR reports in the central catalogue.
This month, 121 new CSRs and 593 updates have been uploaded by 11 partners.
Details of of CSR delivery per centre are the following :