SDC - Final annual meeting
The SeaDataCloud 4th annual and final meeting, organised by NIOZ (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research), was planned to take place in Amsterdam (Netherlands) on October 29-30 (one and half day) 2020, but given the exceptional situation related to the COVID-19, the meeting has been organised remotely by Web conference on the same dates.
The invitation to the web conf have been sent to by email to all participants, on due time.
A total of 100 participants attended the final meeting of the SeaDataCloud project.
- Opening (Michèle Fichaut - IFREMER)
WP1 - WP2 - Management – Coordination (Michèle Fichaut, IFREMER)
WP3 - Training of data providers (Hong-Min Le, RBINS)
WP4 –Communication - Dissemination
- Overview and main results (Leda Pecci, ENEA)
- SeaDataNet AISBL (Serge Scory, RBINS)
- 2nd user workshop (Elena Partescano, OGS)
- IMDIS 2021 (Michèle Fichaut, IFREMER)
- Exploitation and business plan (Dick Schaap, MARIS
WP5 – Metadata and data catalogues
- Overview and main results (Sissy IONA, HCMR)
- CSR transfer status (Vanessa Tosello, IFREMER)
- Interoperability with international data (Enrico Boldrini, CNR)
- Simplification of data access (Michèle Fichaut, IFREMER)
WP7 - Scientific committee (Vittorio Barale, EC-JRC, ret.)
WP8 - Governance of standards ans development of common services
- Overview and main results (Mark Henden, BODC)
- Finalisation of the monitoring services for upgraded SeaDataNet infrasrtucture (Themis Zamani, GRNET)
WP9 - WP10 development of downstream and upstream services
- WP9 - Overview and main results (Dick Schaap, MARIS)
- WP9 - Status of EUDAT components (Chris Ariyo, CSC)
- WP10 - Introduction and perspective of the VRE, Overview of the final products (Peter Thjisse, MARIS, Merret Buurman, DKRZ and Sebastian Mieruch, AWI)
WP11 - Products
- Overview and main results (Simona Simoncelli, INGV)
- Global ocean climatologies (Kanwal Shahzadi, UniBO)
- Aggregated datasets (Christine Coatanoan, IFREMER)
- V2 climatologies (Simona Simoncelli, INGV)
- Overview of the product catalogue (Volodymyr Myroshnychenko, METU-IMS)
- Feedback from SYKE, Finland (Jukka Seppälä, SYKE)
- Feedback from UKRSces (Oleksandr Neprokin, UKRSces)
- Feedback from UTM-CSIC (Susanna Diez, UTM-CSIC)
- Feedback from CNRS (Yolanda Del Amo, Université de Bordeaux-CNRS-OASU)
- Recommendations for the 3rd report to EC (Michèle Fichaut, IFREMER)
- Future of SeaDataNet (Dick Schaap, MARIS)
- Other related European projects (Dick Schaap, MARIS)
- Closure messages (Michèle Fichaut, IFREMER)