First training course

The first Seadatanet 2 training course was held in IOC Project Office for IODE (Ostend, Belgium), organised by the IOC/IODE.


As agreed in the «Description of Work» of SeaDataNet, both data managers and technicians of all the involved partners were expected:

  • Data managers have learned to work with the upgraded common SeaDataNet formats and procedures, as developed in WP8, and software tools, as developed in WP9, for preparing and updating metadata, processing and quality control of data, and presentation of data in viewing services, and for production of data products, as developed in WP10.
  • Technicians have been trained in implementing and configuring the upgraded system tools and services, as developed in WP9, for upgrading the connectivity between data centre systems and the portal, for automatically exchanging of metadata, for converting data to standard formats, for generating data products, for providing viewing services and for monitoring the performance of their nodes in the SeaDataNet infrastructure.

We were glad to welcome 51 people for this first training course.

Access to the participants list


If you need further information, please contact the organizers at