All presentations are also available on OceanTeacher.
- Data Quality Control: the experience of the regional products managers, recommendations (video) - S. Scory, S. Simoncelli, C. Coatanoan, O. Back, S. Iona, V. Myroshnychenko
- ODV V5 Introduction , ODV User Manual - R. Schlitzer and S.Mieruch (AWI)
- Biological data (video) - D. De Pooter, P. OSET (VLIZ)
- Upgrade of the CDI service - Introduction with background and system components (video) - D. Schaap (MARIS)
- EUDAT introduction - background, services, involvement in EOSC and projects (video) - S.H. Vathsavayi (CSC)
- Import process (unrestricted, restricted data) and dashboard (video) - P.Thijsse (MARIS)
- Replication Manager - Functionality, instructions for installation and configuration, virtual appliance alternative (video) - A. Briand (IFREMER), S. Bregent (ALTRAN)
- Implementation plan for the upgraded CDI service (planning, system versions, data preparation, DC groups in time) (video) - D. Schaap (MARIS)
- New CDI user interface and MySeaDataCloud (video) - P.Thijsse (MARIS)
- Vocabulary new developments (video) - A. Kokkinaki, J. Ayliffe (BODC)
- Improving the workflow from data centre to CDI catalogue - SeaDataNet tools: NEMO, OCTOPUS, MIKADO (video) - M. Fichaut, V. Tosello (IFREMER)
Continuation of SeaDataNet tools :