Research and technical development

The research and technical development activities aim to develop the SeaDataNet Virtual Data Centre to get the on line integrated access to qualified, compatible and coherent meta-data, data sets and products.

List of work-packages

Activity Number




Specification and governance of standard metadata, data and data product formats, qc methods, common vocabularies and specification of new services



Development and governance of software tools, services and interoperability solutions



Development and regular updating of standard data products for maritime regions the Arctic waters, the North Sea, the North Atlantic Ocean, the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea

INGV (P11)



  • Extending and finetuning the SeaDataNet standards for handling all types of marine and ocean data, in real-time and delayed mode, achieving interoperability and exchange with other relevant data management systems in Europe, and tuning with international standards,
  • Achieving INSPIRE compliance and contributing to the INSPIRE process for developing implementing rules for oceanography.


  • To deliver tools and services to support improved and upgraded maintenance of the SeaDataNet metadata directories,
  • To deliver tools and services to support robust access to a wider range of data types, including real-time from acquisition to data centre, with extended functionality and interoperability,
  • To deliver interoperability solutions with other initiatives, such as the IODE Ocean Data Portal and GEOSS,
  • To upgrade the ODV analysis and visualisation software,
  • To upgrade the DIVA statistical analysis and interpolation software and the OceanBrowser visualisation services for data products.


  • To validate data access and processing services provided by SeaDataNet,
  • To analyze the coherency, the coverage and the quality of data sets provided by SeaDataNet services at full basin scale for European adjacent seas,
  • To provide examples of products which can be generated using SeaDataNet infrastructure.